Sustainability Management

Promoting sustainability to achieve our Management Philosophyy

Our external environment has changed dramatically: there has been a greater call for carbon neutrality and uncertainty has grown in society, to name just two changes. Nippon Yakin Kogyo upholds the vision of becoming a “resilient company” for the creation of a sustainable society. Accordingly, we are implementing measures to increase the sustainability of Nippon Yakin Kogyo Group itself.

We have identified issues that need to be tackled in order to achieve our vision and designated these as materiality.

We use this materiality as the starting point when discussing and establishing Medium Term Management Plans to ensure that the activities we carry out will be effective and respond to changes in our external environment. We will also share information about the activity results and progress as necessary.

Sustainability promotion system

Nippon Yakin Kogyo established the Sustainability Strategy Promotion Committee, chaired by the president, on August 1, 2021, with an eye to addressing the sustainability related issues of materiality across the board.

Our Sustainability Strategy Promotion Committee identifies issues of materiality related to sustainability and carries out inter department evaluations of activities based on this materiality. The committee, as part of top management, also works together with each department and committee to implement the company’s sustainability initiatives.

Discussions by the Sustainability Strategy Promotion Committee are reported to the Board of Directors and feedback from outside directors is sought before policies about investment and strategies are decided.

Main discussions by Sustainability Strategy Promotion Committee

Below are the main topics that were discussed in FY2023.

●Meetings held in FY2023: 9 in total
●Main topics:

Date Main topics
April 11, 2022 ・Actions for the introduction of internal carbon pricing (ICP)
・Measures for human rights in business
May 12, 2022 ・Quantitative evaluation by TCFD of risks and opportunities posed by climate change
July 15, 2022 ・Assessment of emissions in supply chain: Scope 3 calculation
・Agreement with TCFD
October 11, 2022 ・Third-party verifications of environmental data
December 12, 2022 ・Policy for creation of Integrated Report 2023
January 10, 2023 ・Nippon Yakin Kogyo’s response to Human Capital Visualization Guidelines (Cabinet Secretariat)
March 6, 2023 ・Setting of KPIs for materiality